For the full version of this report, download the PDF.Generative AI’s impact on productivity could add trillions of dollars in value to the global economy. Our latest research estimates that generative AI could add the equivalent of $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually across t...
1“Creatingvalue,findingfocus:GlobalInsuranceReport2022,”McKinsey,February15,2022. iiGlobalInsuranceReport2023:Reimagininglifeinsurance Overthepastdecade, thelifeandretirement industryhasexperienced increasinginstability. ©MF3d/GettyImages 1 Fourparamount forcescreating opportunities andobstaclesfor theindustry Ov...
will become more challenging to control relative to traditional risks. Banks may need to step up their defenses across eight areas: cybersecurity, data privacy, third-party oversight, responsible AI, operational resilience, financial crimes, nonfinancial risks, and resolution planning. As these risks...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been in the news a lot lately. And according to a recent report from the McKinsey Global Institute, about half of today’s work activities could be automated(自动化的) by 2055. Could “teaching” be on that list? The teacher in the classroom is a human ...
Generative AI’s creative crossroads. After generative AI’s (gen AI) breakout year in 2023, more use cases are emerging across the industry. Capturing value will require fashion players to look beyond automation and explore gen AI’s potential to enhance the work of human creatives. Fast fashi...
In our 2024 report, we take another look at how AI can and has already become a key part of solutions to benefit people and the planet by mapping innovations and impact to the SDGs (see sidebar “Methodology”). The SDGs comprise 17 goals and 169 targets that aim to improve lives around...
AI is a big story for all kinds of businesses, but some companies are clearly movingahead of the pack. Our state of AI in 2022 survey showed that adoption of AI models has more than doubled since 2017—and investment has increased apace. What’s more, the specific areas in which compani...
Generative AI has the potential to increase US labor productivity by 0.5 to 0.9 percentage points annually through 2030 in a midpoint adoption scenario. The range reflects whether the time freed up by automation is redeployed at 2022 productivity levels or 2030 levels, with both scenarios accounting...
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform how healthcare is delivered. A joint report with the European Union’s EIT Health explores how it can support improvements in care outcomes, patient experience and access to healthcare services.
This report lays out considerations for all 15 technology trends. For easier consideration of related trends, we grouped them into five broader categories: the AI revolution, building the digital future, compute and connectivity frontiers, cutting-edge engineering, and a sustainable world. Of course,...