2/F, McKinnon Hotel, 1013 Beijing Xi Lu, near Jiangning Lu 麦金侬酒店2楼, 北京西路1013号, 近江宁路 3279 8899 Vintage-y bar with lots of live jazz music and cocktails on the second floor of the "McKinnon Hotel". The place also fronts as the theatre for the popular immersive show, ...
上海·神密的|麥金儂酒店 THE MCKINNON HOTEL麥金儂酒店,位於繁華的上海市中心,曾是一位蘇格蘭貴族的府邸,在1930年鼎盛一時;酒店與劇院相結合,融合了浸入式戏剧的经典之作《不眠之夜》,改编自莎士比亚经典...
环境:5.0 服务:5.0 McKinnon Hotel Shanghai Show. Completely intense, immersive, and innovative. Highly recommended. 1) Story foundation is based on the classic Macbeth, with a modern conflicts twist displayed through contemporary dancing and Oscar award winning stage acting. 2) Not just one stage...
The McKinnon Hotel Shanghai 静安区 南京西路 艺术中心/文化广场 8 9 0 4 5 6 9 0 1 2 3 4 商户相关评价 查看全部 打分 就是想让你不停去消费的模式,“西部世界”的套路。 演员、场景、细节确实是很赞的。剧情靠1个人去1次是根本不知道啥的,因为不确定的因素太多,全靠脑补。 个人体验下来最惊艳的...
#不眠之夜[超话]# Mckinnon Hotel 1600th night ️🧡💛💚🤎🤍🖤💜💙 http://t.cn/RCplpBN
The McKinnon Hotel Shanghai ¥665/人 静安区 南京西路 艺术中心/文化广场 8 9 0 4 5 6 3 4 5 9 0 1 4人赞 哈小面 2021年4月30日 打分 很早之前就听说了《不眠之夜Sleep no more》,终于和小伙伴来玩了一次,狂奔两小时,2万多的步数全仰仗他了。应该算基本跟全了主线剧情,遗憾的是没有触发个人...
Find out what works well at McKinnon Hotel from the people who know best. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. Uncover why McKinnon Hot
See what’s happening on the inside at McKinnon Hotel, including the company culture, employee work-life benefits, and business goals. Discover all the key insights that make people want to work here. Read about the office locations, company history, lea
点评用户“郭乐文”对【The McKinnon Hotel Shanghai】的评价:看过的最棒的剧没有之一!半年前,偶然看到朋友推送的文章,就立马把票定了下来,还特地买了原著来看。不剧透太多了,...
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