William McKinley High School for the Performing Arts is a fictional school and one of the main settings in the show. The school is named after William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States, who was born in Niles, Ohio. The school is supposed
wmhs是威廉麦金利高中,英文William Mckinley High School的缩写,这是美剧glee被国产垃圾剧直接 分享6赞 美剧吧 ToxicMore2 【High School】★盘点美剧里最“危险”的高中暑假来了,中学生们终于可以放下课本好好轻松轻松(高三、高二、初三、初二及被家长逼着参加各种暑期培训班的学生除外……汗)你最喜爱的电视剧中的...