Bob and Doug McKenzie, who hosted a fictional TV show in their native Canada in the popular sketch, will reunite at Second City, with the duo delivering a live version of theirGreat White Northtalk show onstage. The July 18th benefit will also feature Martin Short, as Jiminy Glick...
Thomas and Moranis ended up rewriting the first half of the movie, which begins at the problem-plagued premiere of the McKenzie brothers' cheaply made post-apocalyptic movieMutants of 2051 AD, in which Bob searches for (that's right) beer while battling a mutant played by Doug. After the ...
Thomas and Moranis ended up rewriting the first half of the movie, which begins at the problem-plagued premiere of the McKenzie brothers' cheaply made post-apocalyptic movieMutants of 2051 AD, in which Bob searches for (that's right) beer while battling a mutant played by Doug. After the ...
“next door neighbor”. It was a time when Carneros began to build its reputation primarily on Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. McKenzie-Mueller owns two vineyards: the home ranch surrounding the winery and another 8-acre piece of land north of the city of ...
In the years immediately following their unlikely rise, the McKenzie brothers found success outside of the small screen. In 1981, Canada's Anthem Records, then riding high on the success ofRush, signed Bob and Doug and released the duo's debut record,Great White North. The lead-off single...
The McKenzie Brothers, SCTV favorites, star in their very first, and only, major motion picture. This could only have been made in the '80s. It's hilariously, cartoonishly silly, especially if you hail from The Great White North, eh? And it's kind of a Canadian version of William Sha...
the bed I lie on would be lily white and threatening levitation. I would imagine the emptiness I leave and you would think of all the ways to fill it. That is the grotesque version. It should of course be the other way around.
And so great was the fear inspired by the mob that no white person had dared to manifest sufficient interest in the muti- lated body of the murdered man while it remained in the neighborhood to be able to testify as to who it was. At the end of two weeks the husband of one of the...
Bob and Doug McKenzie, who hosted a fictional TV show in their native Canada in the popular sketch, will reunite at Second City, with the duo delivering a live version of theirGreat White Northtalk show onstage. The July 18th benefit will also feature Martin Short, as Jiminy Glick, interv...
Bob and Doug McKenzie, who hosted a fictional TV show in their native Canada in the popular sketch, will reunite at Second City, with the duo delivering a live version of theirGreat White Northtalk show onstage. The July 18th benefit will also feature Martin Short, as Jim...