The McIntosh MC303 drives each of a home theater’s front left, front right and center channels with 300 Watts of power each. As most of a movie’s soundtrack is delivered by these three channels, the powerful MC303 provides all the power needed for an a
McIntosh MC303 powered amplifier.The article evaluates the McIntosh MC303 powered amplifier from McIntosh.GreenwaldWillEBSCO_AspSound & Vision
如果搭配他家MC901管、晶合体后级,我看即使不是天作之合,也接近了。 脏箱与干净箱 C12000分为二个机箱,也就是俗称的干净箱与脏箱,干净箱装的是放大线路与真空管,脏箱则是电源供应与其他操控线路等,如此一来放大音乐讯号的电路就不会受到严重污染。C12000的干净箱称为Preamplifier,而脏箱则称为Controller,二者...
麦景图 McIntosh C500分体电源胆前级+MC1.2KW 单声道后级 强大的功能和技术是麦景图McIntosh的重要标志。从后级功率放大器阵容来看,这款放大器的“MC1.2KW”为1200W,旗舰型号“MC2KW”为2000W,老三型号“MC601”为600W。至于真空管功率放大器,“MC2301”达到300W,“MC275”达到75W。我观看了McIntosh的高端前...
Review: McIntosh MC830 Monoblock Amplifiers "Created An Immersive Emotional Listening Experience With Whatever Music I Played" Read more 12.18.2024 McIntosh C55 Preamplifier 5-Star Review: "An Irresistible Blend of Good Looks and Musical Excellence” ...
MC 2150 Stereo Power AmplifierELECTRICAL: 150w/ch. (300w mono). Response 20-20kHz (+0 -0.25dB). Distortion 0.02%. Noise and hum -95dB. Output impedance 1, 2, 4, and 8 ohms. (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 ohms in mono). Damping factor 30 or greater. Input impedance 50k. Input ...
Editor, describing the circuit features of high-fidelity power amplifiers and in particular, the McIntosh MC-30 power amplifier. In the December 1955 issue, Sidney Corderman, Chief Engineer, McIntosh Laboratory replied in a letter to clarify the class of operation for the MC-30 amplifier. ...
这种视觉品味令人心旷神怡。正如预期的那样,McIntosh Power Amplifier 很高兴看到这款“McIntosh Blue”。使用真空管的前置放大器的分辨率和解析力是无可挑剔的。即使像一个沉重的拳击手一样无情地推动扬声器,功率放大器仍表现出柔和而欢快的步法,就好像以前从未有过一样。
and features several proprietary McIntosh technologies. To protect speakers and systems, the MC830’s patented Power Guard® technology monitors the amplifier’s output signal to protect against overdrive; if necessary, the amplifier makes real-time micro adjustments to the input signal to pre...
the source. If I were to begin building (once again) a highly accurate laboratory reference audio system. I would base everything on the corner stone that is the McIntosh 5300 Integrated amplifier. It is the McIntosh Labs reputation carried forward, the build quality and performance is ...