"Once again, McIntosh presented us a high quality product, embracing the wonderful philosophy of the brand. The expectations were big on our end and from what I heard during these listening sessions, I can, without a doubt, affirm that McIntosh succeeded the test on all points." -TED Magazi...
A favorite test track of mine is “Ballad of the Runaway Horse” featuring Jennifer Warnes with Rob Wasserman from the CDDuets[Rounder 11661-3227-2] included in the box set,Trilogy[Rounder 11661-3225-2]. With the MA252 Jennifer’s voice was pure and clean. Some nuance was lost in the ...
construction, McIntosh only puts its name on components that deliver paragon experiences by way of their unassailable artistry and precision-minded quality. While McIntosh products don't come cheap, they stand out – and stand the test of time – in a world flooded by homogeneity and inferiority...
当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放Four Seasons - Concerto in E Major, RV 269 "Spring" - I. Allegro (四季 - E大调协奏曲,作品269“春” - 第一乐章 快板) 音乐: Classical Artists - Mcintosh Audiophile Test Reference McIntosh 当今最强大的合并扩大机 MA12000 可说是 McInt...
McIntosh 在合并扩大机领域,产品相当齐全,从入门的 MA252 开始,到最高阶的 MA12000,台湾代理商的网页罗列了九款机器,选择当然是丰俭由人,但可以看得出来,McIntosh 在合并扩大机的类别,建构了绵密的产品线,瞄准每一个价位带,而 MA12000 就是现阶段 McIntosh 最高等级的合并扩大机,容纳了所有McIntosh 的技术精华...