Nutritional deficiencies can cause anemia; if you are anemic, your laboratory tests show a low MCH, or mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and low MCHC, or suggest corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. MCH and MCHC are used to identify anemia and can help determine what type of anemia you have. Althoug...
The value of MCH is considered low when the levels are below 26 pg. The most common cause of the low MCH value includes blood loss, iron deficiency, and microcytic anemia. Microcytic anemia is a condition in which the size of the produced red blood cells is small, thus carrying a lesser...
Your doctor can find out if your MCH levels are too high or low through a blood test. There are several causes for abnormal MCH levels. Some are common, such as anemia and medication side effects. But they can also be caused by illnesses such as blood cancers or inheritedblood disorders....
What can cause low hemoglobin levels? What does a low erythrocyte sedimentation rate mean? What is low absolute basophils in a blood test? What hematocrit level is critical? What is a low hemoglobin count number? Why are platelets elevated in iron deficiency anemia?
If a blood test shows high MCH levels, it usually means the patient has macrocytic anemia and has low vitamin B12 or folic acid levels in his blood. However, only a physician, with the aid of testing and a medical history of the patient, can truly make that determination. ...
‘s anemiaamong pregnant women majorconcern onlyamongst Indo Fijians widerFijian population Measures improvewomen‘s health through iron folicacid supplementation firstpresentation prenatalcare were too late poorlytolerated Compliance interventiontherefore did little fortifyingflour essentialnutrients Fiji‘s...
Regarding medical history, anemia was seen in 31 patients (19.37%), pregnancy-induced hypertension in 20(12.5%), and 65 %( 104) has no significant medical history. Concerning past obstetrical history, 107(66.8%) fell under low-risk pregnancies, 18(11.25%) had previously...
A complete blood count (CBC) is a laboratory test that is used to count the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in the blood. ...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it ...