【TNABO】Ewa..于星战前传三部曲饰演Obi-Wan Kenobi的Ewan McGregor,已无数次透露自己愿意再次演出Obi-Wan,他早前在宣传他的新作品《猜火车2》(Trainspotting 2)时,接受外
引述媒體Omega Underground獨家消息,Obi-Wan Kenobi 獨立電影項目將名為約書亞樹(Joshua Tree)。約書亞樹又名短葉絲蘭(學名:Yucca brevifolia),為百合科絲蘭屬下的一個物種,分布在美國西南部。
As long as Ewan McGregor has a movie to promote, he’ll keep being asked about returning as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the “Star Wars,” and the internet will keep printing what he says. That’s just how it works. But even the actor doesn’t quite get what has fans so hot and bothered ...
在星球大战前传三部曲中大放异彩的苏格兰男星Ewan McGregor有望再度回归星球大战宇宙,扮演著名的绝地武士欧比旺(Obi-Wan Kenobi)。 据了解,迪士尼正在为其即将上线的流媒体平台Disney+开发一部星球大战题材网剧作品,尽管迪士尼方面对这部未定名新作的细节三缄其口,但是近日有美国媒体爆料称McGregor正与该剧组接触,有望再度...
官宣!Ewan McGregor再度扮演欧比旺 15年之后,Ewan McGregor再度回归星球大战宇宙,扮演久违了的老角色欧比旺大师(Obi-Wan Kenobi)。这是《星球大战》(Star Wars)电影制片人Kathleen Kennedy与McGregor,在日前举行的2019迪士尼D23展览会(D23 Expo)上,亲自宣布的消息。这一次,McGregor加盟的是Disney+平台第二个...
在星球大战前传三部曲中大放异彩的苏格兰男星Ewan McGregor有望再度回归星球大战宇宙,扮演著名的绝地武士欧比旺(Obi-Wan Kenobi)。 据了解,迪士尼正在为其即将上线的流媒体平台Disney+开发一部星球大战题材网剧作品,尽管迪士尼方面对这部未定名新作的细节三缄其口,但是近日有美国媒体爆料称McGregor正与该剧组接触,有望再度...
Ewan McGregor has spoken about the future of Obi-Wan Kenobi season 2, but unfortunately, his update is disappointing. McGregor reveals that there have been no talks of pursuing Obi-Wan Kenobi season 2, something the actor attributes to Disney being busy with other projects. ...
Obi-Wan Kenobi, coming toDisney+next year, will fill in some of the details about Obi-Wan’s life during that period. The show’s first teaser just debuted on Disney+ — you can watch ithereif you’re a subscriber — and it includes McGregor and director Deborah Chow talking about the...
Obi-Wan Kenobi, coming toDisney+next year, will fill in some of the details about Obi-Wan’s life during that period. The show’s first teaser just debuted on Disney+ — you can watch ithereif you’re a subscriber — and it includes McGregor and director Deborah Chow talking about the...
Obi-Wan Kenobi may not be the streamer's only hope, but having Ewan McGregor around is never a bad thing. During Friday's Disney+ presentation at D23 Expo, the studio announced that McGregor will reprise his role as the legendary Jedi master for an upcoming limited series. "Afte...