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Navigate your educational journey with McGraw Hill. We provide essential tools and resources for both instructors and students to foster effective learning.
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Navigate your educational journey with McGraw Hill. We provide essential tools and resources for both instructors and students to foster effective learning.
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在教育领域,McGraw-Hill Education是致力于全美从小学、中学到大学,以至于终生专业学习的教育服务及教材提供商,专长于英语语言培训及高等教育领域,特别是在科学、技术、商业及经济类等领域。麦格劳-希尔教育公司在1999年就在中国设立代表处,通过同中国的清华大学出版社、高等教育出版社、中国财政经济出版社等的合作,...
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