Learn about McGraw-Hill's digital solutions, textbooks, and services for students and instructors in higher education.
Explore and shop for McGraw Hill Professional world-renowned textbooks like Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and interactive learning solutions like AccessMedicine and AccessEngineering.
Learn about McGraw Hill's digital learning platforms, textbooks, teaching resources, and online services for students and instructors in higher education.
Learn about McGraw Hill's digital learning platforms, textbooks, teaching resources, and online services for students and instructors in higher education.
Learn about McGraw Hill's digital learning platforms, textbooks, teaching resources, and online services for students and instructors in higher education.
Learn about McGraw Hill's digital learning platforms, textbooks, teaching resources, and online services for students and instructors in higher education.
Learn about McGraw Hill's digital learning platforms, textbooks, teaching resources, and online services for students and instructors in higher education.
Learn about McGraw Hill's digital learning platforms, textbooks, teaching resources, and online services for students and instructors in higher education.
No communication from McGraw Hill for 2 weeks. I had to speak to multiple CSRs AND press them for information. Their systems are not interconnected, and they will pass the buck requiring the customer to complete all of the leg work. Seriously, the CSRs will give you an email to contact...
Flat World Knowledge, a commercial publisher of openly-licensed college textbooks, and major textbook publishers McGraw-Hill Education and Macmillan, have introduced new approaches to offering customized textbooks at a lower cost to students. In October 2010, McGraw-Hill Education launched its next-gene...