Your books are not with your students 24/7, but their phones are, making it even easier for your students to fit studying into their lives. Cross Platform Syncing Your students’ progress across devices syncs automatically, so they can pick up wherever they left off no matter what device th...
Explore and shop for McGraw Hill Professional world-renowned textbooks like Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and interactive learning solutions like AccessMedicine and AccessEngineering.
McGraw Hill India provides world-class textbooks and content in a wide variety of formats – print textbooks, e-books and digital solutions. From test preparation to university textbooks to professional books.
McGraw Hill Connect helps you deliver a complete, engaging, digital course experience. Its flexible course design, digital-first vetted content and assessment materials, and easy-to-read analytics and reporting tools ensure best-in-class online learning. Easy Course Building An Evergreen Delivery Mode...
Offered by the Televerde Foundation and Arizona State University with support from McGraw Hill, Career PATHS gives incarcerated women an opportunity for an education – and so much more. Tags:Article, Blog, Connect, Corporate McGraw Hill Begins Collaboration with AnkiHub, Linking the Popular Flashcard...
Students won’t carry their textbooks 24/7 but you can bet they’re carrying their phones. The ReadAnywhere app gives access to their textbook and SmartBook assignments wherever they go. Available for the McGraw Hill eBook and Connect courses with SmartBook. ...
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Reports that McGraw-Hill Professional as released electronic versions of a number of its leading medical text and reference books. Availability of the materials to physicians, students, and other researchers through a licensing agreement with Ovid Technologies; Medical literature which will be included....
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