雅思6.5 小分不低于 6,麦吉尔和UBC 大部分专业都问题不大。 有留意到题主提到是要申请Mcgill 和UBC...
In 1885, the university's Board of Governors formally adopted the use of the name McGill University. The Faculty of Law was founded in 1848, making it Canada's oldest. The school of architecture at McGill University was founded in 1896....
McGill University Canada : Tuition Fees, Scholarships, Admission, Courses How To Become A Dental Assistant | Dental Assistant Education Requirements.
Stanford University - Stanford Graduate School of Business U.S.A. 6. MBA Yale University - Yale School of Management U.S.A. 7. MBA Purdue University - Krannert University Canada 8. MBA HEC Montréal U.S.A. 9. The Columbia MBA Columbia University - Colum...
The primary function of the McGill University Life Sciences Complex is research in cancer and biomedicine. This includes five key components:...
麦吉尔大学(McGill University) https://www.mcgill.ca/ 相信加拿大留学生当中,没有人不知道McGill这所加拿大老牌大学。麦吉尔大学(McGill University)是位于魁北克省蒙特利尔一所具有199年历史的世界级名校。不过,又有多少人知道,今天我们喜爱参与或者观看的三大体育运动项目: 橄榄球、曲棍球和篮球,它们的起源却是同McGill...