加拿大麦吉尔大学 (McGill University) 生物医学工程系 (Biomedical Engineering) 陈国军课题组诚招硕士研究...
Juncker, David,Professor McGill University - Department of Biomedical Engineering 展开 Kakkar, Ashok,Associate Professor McGill University - Department of Chemistry Materials Chemistry Synthesis/Catalysis Developing new synthetic methodologies that lead to "Efficient Materials" for catalysis and photonics, cons...
你跟我的情况好像 我也是收到了eng sci 和mcgill的biomedical sciences 在等mcgill bio engineering 但不...
The university has also secured a prestigious place in the top 10 for research in the medical and doctoral fields. Some of its best courses, as per the rankings, include Biomedical Engineering, Architecture, and Business Administration, attracting many applicants. Mechanical Engineering and Business ...
高丽大学PhD in Biomedical Engineering生物医学工程博士Department of Biomedical Engineering 麦吉尔大学和高丽大学简介 麦吉尔大学 麦吉尔大学(英文:McGill University)为一所坐落于加拿大魁北克的公立研究型大学。学校成立于1821年英国殖民地时期,以著名蒙特利尔商人、格拉斯哥大学校友詹姆士•麦吉尔为名,其遗赠为大学成立的基础...
Arts Minor (Faculty of Engineering) Atmospheric Environment and Air Quality Atmospheric Science and Physics Atmospheric Sciences B Behavioural Science Biochemistry Biodiversity and Conservation Bioengineering Biology Biology and Mathematics Biomedical Engineering ...
For the 11th year in a row, Maclean’s magazine has ranked McGill as the top university in Canada among institutions with medical schools and a broad range of PhD programs.这是加拿大麦吉尔大学,连续…
We had an extraordinary turnout of 70 people attending the workshop (and about 30 people were on the waiting list due to the limited seating). They were mostly graduate students, researchers and faculty members from MNI, the biomedical engineering department of McGill University, and the Universi...
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