McGill University Department of Biology 登录后才能查看导师的联系方式,马上登录... 研究领域 查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认) Ecotypic variation and climate change; the evolution of species on islands; the effects of climate change and isolation on morphological...
Richard Roy is a professor in the Biology department at McGill University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Rajinder Dhindsa is a professor in the Biology department at McGill University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
McGill University Department of Biochemistry 登录后才能查看导师的联系方式,马上登录... 研究领域 查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认) Bcl-2 Family Proteins and Cancer This family of opposing cell survival and cell death proteins regulates pathways associated with ...
在微博Google上可能也会找到这句:UofT,the second best university in Canada...多大官网则是各种排名...
, Thomas,Associate professor McGill University - Department of Biochemistry The relatively recent discovery that double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and its functional derivatives (siRNA) could mediate potent and specific gene silencing in a wide variety of species sparked a revolution in molecular biology. ...
McGill University is an English language university located in the centre of one the largest French speaking cities in the world. A vibrant metropolis of 3.5 million inhabitants, Montreal is a modern city with a distinctly European flair. Founded in 1821, McGill owes its existence to James McGill...
麦吉尔大学 (McGill University) 食品科学系陆晓楠课题组现招收两名博士后。麦吉尔大学是一所世界 排名前 50 的研究型大学。学校位于加拿大魁北克省的蒙特利尔。陆晓楠课题组进行食品安全,分子微 生物,微生物生态学,食品合成生物学的研究 (。
The university's first classes were held in 1829 at Burnside Place, James McGill's country home. Burnside Place remained the sole educational facility until the 1840s, when the school began construction on its first buildings: the central and east wings of the Arts Building. The rest of the...
McInnes, RoderickProfessor McGill University - Department of Biochemistry 查看联系方式 研究领域 Our lab is interested in two major questions in biology and medicine. First, in inherited neurodegenerations, we wish to understand what is happening in the mutant neurons, in the years to decades ...