但是McGill不压GPA,也没有传说中的bell curve。但是课程难度非常大,使得GPA含金量反而特别高,外校特别认...
最后再来反驳一下高赞回答的“大一普遍3.95+/4.00 GPA“:McGill大一Science/Engineering学生都要上的数学、物理、化学课程,常年的平均分为3.3/4.0或者3.0/4.0,平均分是为如此,大一生GPA普遍达到3.95+/4.00根本就是天方夜谭。即使考虑进去其他系的高年级学生来上这些理科课程,用作凑学分的现象,他们对于GPA拉低的贡献...
GPA无所谓的学生。但是,McGill CS的学习非常类似于高中生式的学习,即应对考试、应对作业。
Our students have won more national and international awards on average than their peers at any Canadian university — including 147 Rhodes scholarships. This success stems from a simple philosophy: we believe that ideas are made to be challenged. At McGill, we inspire each other to dream big,...
漫长的一个多月midterm终于结束了 现在get到所谓McGill无水课的精髓了 要想拿高的gpa学习压力还是很顶的...
The university has held first place in student awards for nine consecutive years, and consistently ranks first for reputation, average size, and number of social sciences and humanities grants per full-time faculty. The Gourman Ranking of Canadian Universities also ranked McGill first in Canada in...
毕业啦!---2021 Fall 分割线--- Fuji卷给我一整个大香住 麦吉尔宗教楼!中秋快乐~---...