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The constitutive model was based on the MCFT. The cross section was subdivided into three regions based on the dominant stress conditions: 1D, 2D, and 3D, where the corresponding constitutive models were applied. 3D Fiber-Based Frame Element with Multiaxial Stress Interaction for RC Structures This...
MasterCraft Boat(MCFT) 18.38 % 简介:MasterCraft Boat Holdings, Inc.于2000年1月28日在特拉华州注册成立。该公司是一家领先的创新者、设计者、制造商和营销商,通过MasterCraft、Crest和Aviara三个品牌销售休闲摩托艇。在过去五年里,通过这三个品牌,该公司在摩托艇行业增长最快的两个类别——滑雪/尾流艇和浮舟—...
MasterCraft Boat Holdings Inc. advanced stock charts by MarketWatch. View MCFT historial stock data and compare to other stocks and exchanges.
2.1修正斜压场理论(MCFT)介绍 修正斜压场理论(The Modified Compression-Field Theory)是一种用于预测钢筋混凝土膜构件在剪力和正应力作用下的变形性能的分析模型,它可以确定混凝土和钢筋的平均应力应变和局部的应力应变,以及裂缝的宽度和方向,从而确定构件的破坏模式。 MCFT是由研究钢筋混凝土受扭和受剪的斜压场理论(...
“I’m very grateful to our team – the HR team as well as our Technical Academy lead, Michael Davies, and his trainers for taking us to this next level.” Further recognition of the part which talent development plays in MCFT is evidenced by the recent presentation at the House of ...
分析师评级 更新时间: 2024/12/01 近三个月共5位分析师对MasterCraft Boat作出评级 买入 买入 40.00% 持有 60.00% 卖出 0.00% 目标价预测 更新时间: 2024/12/01 MasterCraft Boat股票的目标价预测平均价为23.00,最高价为26.00,最低价为18.00 12.9817.9822.9827.9831.20过去12个月未来12个月最高26.00平均23.00最...
MCFT是由研究钢筋混凝土受扭和受剪的斜压场理论(Compression-Field Theory)发展而来。斜压场理论忽略了开裂混凝土的拉力,而修正斜压场理论则把裂缝间的拉应力考虑了进来。MCFT把开裂混凝土模拟为一种正交各向异性的材料,是一种完全的转角裂缝模型(Smeared Rotating Crack Model)。与固体的不连续性相悖,开裂混凝土被视作...
“One of the unique things about MCFT is that all their technicians are all of a high standard – we know whoever we talk to, they will be on-the-ball” "Very quick response, friendly and Knowledgeable engineer. appreciated!"ENGIE Services Ltd - Tate & Lyle SugarsButton ...