Open your windows to bring clean, fresh air indoors GET A MONITOR Forecast McCloud air quality index (AQI) forecast DayPollution levelWeatherTemperatureWind Saturday, Oct 19 Good32AQI US 66.2°48.2° 6.7 mph Sunday, Oct 20 Good39AQI US ...
Well, I'm on record as seeing each narrative artform as offering a window through which we can view the world that we live in, and the value the unique qualities of each artform is that it -- I mean, the proliferation in the number of those windows and the number of vantage points ...
Client Features/Internal Windows Log If the device running the Magnum service has ADB-over-network enabled or is connected via USB and has USB debugging enabled, LogCat output will be shown here once connected. The log can be filtered by tag using the text field at the top. (See Figure ...
►MSwindows ►noiseModels ►objectives ►PackingModels ►pairPotentials ►parsing ►ParticleStressModels ►patchDistMethods ►PatchFunction1Types ►PDRDragModels ►PDRlegacy ►PDRobstacles ►phaseChangeTwoPhaseMixtures ►phaseTransferModels ►porosityModels ►porousModels ►POSIX ►...