He was absolutely vicious, and it shattered whatever illusions I had about our so-called relationship.” maccalennon 同舟共济 7 啊啊又有新帖啦!话说我买的anthology也到了~~ oceanary 同床异梦 11 上文大意:他(列侬)说自己是在与Paul的友谊破裂后才痛苦地意识到这一点的,他曾把Paul当成是密友...
He believed Lennon was intentionally putting distance between them to leave more time for her. When Lennon and Ono began a relationship, they started spending all their time together. He brought her to Beatles recording sessions, which bothered his bandmates.“Now John had to have Yoko there,...
Paul McCartney looked up to John Lennon when they first met WhenCynthia met McCartney, he had already formed a close relationship with Lennon. Though she could tell they worked together well, she was struck by how different they were. “Paul’s organized, conscientious way of going abou...
As a teenager, Thelma Pickles gained a small amount of fame for her connection to Paul McCartney and her role in facilitating the meeting between McCartney and Lennon. Little is known about her life outside of her association with The Beatles, but her place in the band's history is undoubte...
The birthday message comes after McCartney lifted the lid on the final conversation he had with Lennon before he died. Speaking candidly about their “complicated” relationship onThe Howard Stern Show, he recalled how their wholesome conversation was sparked by a shared hobby. ...
Paul McCartney gave John Lennon a “step by step” plan to help his fellow Beatles star get back together with his wife, Yoko Ono. The revelation is part of a memoir by Elliot Mintz, a radio host, that describes his close personal relationship with the couple. ...
Reflecting on the stunning moment at Glastonbury Festival in 2022 when he got to sing with Lennon using technology, McCartney said, "The first time I ever did it was very emotional. And it keeps being emotional because, you know, I'm singing with my old buddy again." The moment ...
Paul McCartney says he still checks in with John Lennon 'mentally' when writing songs Paul McCartney says AI was used to create the 'last Beatles record' Paul McCartney shares what being a husband and father means to him The iconic singer-songwriter said the most important thing t...
We were good friends."In HereToday, from his 1982 album TugofWar, McCartney wrote about his sometimes difficult relationship with Lennon. The song includes the lyrics, "And if I say I really knew you well/What would your answer be?...Well, knowing you/You’d probably laugh and say ...
提到John Lennon,这位被Paul看作兄弟的人时,他的神经仍会绷紧。在披头士激烈而又磨人的解散期间,John用他的歌公然冒犯Paul,有句提及到Paul音乐水平的歌词尤为刻薄:“你的歌在我听来就是背景音乐(Your songs are like Muzak to my ears.)” “很显然,我被这玩意伤到了。” Paul承认,“但是你得理解John,如果你...