mcc mnc list 来源 MCCMNCISOCountryCountry CodeNetwork 289 68 ge Abkhazia 7 A-Mobile 289 88 ge Abkhazia 7 A-Mobile 289 67 ge Abk
This combination of MCC and MNC is also uniquely identifies Public Lang Mobile Network (PLMN). Each operator providing mobile service should have their own PLMN identity. Following is a list of most of the mobile phone operators names and their Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Codes. Some...
移动设备网络代码(英语:Mobile Network Code,MNC)是与移动设备国家代码(Mobile Country Code,MCC)(也称为“MCC / MNC”)相结合,以用来表示唯一一个的移动设备的网络运营商。这些运营商可以是使用的GSM/LTE、CDMA、iDEN、TETRA和通用移动通讯系统的公共陆基移动网亦或是卫星网络。ITU-T协议E.212中定义移动设备国家...
Complete list of mcc and mnc: mobile country codes and mobile network codes by interactive digital media - intelligent sms carrier solutions | sms services | mobile communications
Below you can browse/search the list of countries and their MCCs for free in order to identify any MCC, MNC or HNI of the world. is a service by interactive digital media gmbh and powered by! MCC MNC ISO Country Country...
Below you can browse/search the list of countries and their MCCs for free in order to identify any MCC, MNC or HNI of the world. is a service by SMScarrier.EU and powered by interactive digital media GmbH MCCMNCISOCountryCountry CodeNetwork 289 88 ge Abkhazia 7 A-Mobile ...
MCC/MNC 常见MCC: [编辑] [编辑]阿布哈兹- AB [编辑]阿富汗- AF [编辑]阿尔巴尼亚- AL MCC [编辑阿尔及利亚- DZ
MCC/MNC 常见MCC: [编辑] [编辑]阿布哈兹- AB [编辑]阿富汗- AF [编辑]阿尔巴尼亚- AL [编辑]阿尔及利亚- DZ