mcc代码含义(MCC code meaning)Normal merchant --- Rule of integration: 1 RMB for each consumption and 1 yuan for each product Merchant category MCC Veterinary service 0742 Agricultural cooperation 0763 Landscaping and gardening services 0780 Cargo handling and shipping - local and long distance...
Door to door sales of 5963 Catalog sales merchant 5964 Catalogue, retail run merchant 5965 Call out direct 5966 Direct incoming call 5967 Subscribe / order direct service 5968 Other direct selling merchants 5969 Arts and crafts store 5970
The name of the connection string property. For details, seeNdb_cluster_connection constructor PROPERTY_CLUSTER_DATABASE publicstaticfinalStringPROPERTY_CLUSTER_DATABASE= "com.mysql.clusterj.database"; The name of the database property. For details, see the catalogName parameter in the...