2. This List of Mobile Network Code (MNC) is published as annex to ITU Operational Bulletin No. 901 of 1.II.2008. Administrations are requested to verify the information in this List and to inform ITU on any modifications that they wish to make. The notification form can be found at: ...
A centralized List of Mobile Network Codes (MNC) for the international identification plan for public networks and subscriptions has been created within TSB. 2. This List of Mobile Network Codes (MNC) is published as an annex to ITU Operational Bulletin No. 1056 of 15.VII.2014. Admini...
List of MCC and MNC codes from up-to-date Wikipedia page Source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_country_code Definition The ITU-T Recommendation E.212 defines mobile country codes as well as mobile network codes. The mobile country code consists of 3 decimal digits and the mobile networ...
mcc mnc list 来源 https://www.mcc-mnc.com/ MCCMNCISOCountryCountry CodeNetwork 289 68 ge Abkhazia 7 A-Mobile 289 88 ge Abkhazia 7 A-Mobile 289 67 ge Abk
.itu.int/itu-t/inr/forms/mnc.html 3.ThisListwillbeupdatedbynumberedseriesofamendmentspublishedintheITU OperationalBulletin.Furthermore,theinformationcontainedinthisAnnexisalsoavailableonthe ITUwebsite,at:.itu.int/itu-t/bulletin/annex.html,andcanbeconsultedbysubscribersby ...
Complete list of mcc and mnc: mobile country codes and mobile network codes by interactive digital media - intelligent sms carrier solutions | sms services | mobile communications
$ npm install mcc-mnc-list Data mcc-mnc-list.json This file contains all the records fetched from the Wikipedia page. Structure of a single record: {"type":<String>- 'Test' / 'National' / 'International' "countryName":<String>- country name "countryCode":<String>- ISO 3166-1 country...
Table MCC and MNC Codes This table provides a list of some known MCC and MNC codes at the time of this publication. This list is subject to change as new service providers and countries are added. To find more information about MCC and MNC codes ...
mcc mnc 做电信业务开发的可以下载 比较全面 上传者:qq_41192636时间:2021-01-21 Table MCC and MNC Codes This table provides a list of some known MCC and MNC codes at the time of this publication. This list is subject to change as new service providers and countries are added. To find more...