We’ve seen many instances withMCAT study scheduleson Reddit where people argue that you don’t need to have a schedule at all. We couldn’t help but feel that this is pretty far from the truth. This may work for some individuals, namely those who are beginning their study period with ...
These courses not only include all the MCAT study materials you’ll need to pass, but also help you to create a study schedule. That way you’ll stay on course with a defined structure for the months of exam preparation. The best MCAT prep courses will also help you stay on task while...
。后来上reddit发现大家都觉得题目非常subjective + ambiguous我就放心了(微笑再见)
“I liked how my tutors helped me create a study schedule that led me to feel more organized and on top of things. They were encouraging and helped me become more confident with myself and my ability to pass Step… Read More Step 1 Student ...
-- 完全是 -- 这是什么鬼??我可能也就标记了一半大概30道题目要回头检查吧。。后来上reddit发现...
Princeton,Kaplan,甚至Examkracker的content review都浓缩一些,可能更适合时间紧张的人的schedule。但是重点...
-- 完全是 -- 这是什么鬼??我可能也就标记了一半大概30道题目要回头检查吧。。后来上reddit发现...
P/S:Kaplan的书我看了一遍,但后来看mcat subReddit上普遍说Khan academy的资料更有用,我后来就一直...
书籍什么的因人而异 有很多套都很不错的资料 初学者的话 推荐Exam Krackers 难度适中 (别人这么跟我...