But rather than focus on the negative, committee members celebrated two apparent success stories in Tobin Montessori School and Martin Luther King, Jr. School, which were recognized by the state andfederal government, respectively, for their progress on bridging achievement gaps. The principals of b...
where scores continue to decline in the post pandemic years and the fact that this is now another year with declines and not the significant gains we would like to see," said Emily Oster, a Professor of Economics at Brown University. "That is where I think the significant concern is really...
trict scores.(News) MCAS results due today with school, district scores.(News)MCAS results due today with school, district scores.(News)Hayward, Ed
Defects of Vision in School Children : Inquiry into the Possibility of a Relationship between Visual Defects and Nutrition Grade. Taking the figures relating to the medical inspection of school children as set forth from year to year in the annual reports of the Chief Medical Officer ... IF Ma...
Closer to home, theMassachusetts Consortium for Innovative Education Assessmenthas been working with eight school districts to craft new ways of assessing schools that go “Beyond Test Scores” when assessing school performance and designingtemplates for performance-based assessments. Critically, they are ...
The writer is a retired teacher of history and English at Tewksbury Memorial High School.All-hands-on-deck strategy is needed to address literacy challenges Recent MCAS scores reveal a literacy crisis in Massachusetts (“MCAS shows many still struggling to catch up,” Page A1, Sept. 25), with...
While the question would drop the MCAS as a high school graduation requirement, it would not eliminate standardized tests. Federal law requires an English and math test in third through eighth grade and once in high school.
crisis in a century,” said Denise Specht, president of Education Minnesota. “We hope the media reporting of these test scores will encourage parents and everyone in our school communities to find some extra patience and empathy for the educators and students working through a very difficult ...
Predictive Validity of MCAS and PARCC: Comparing 10th Grade MCAS Tests to PARCC Integrated Math II, Algebra II, and 10th Grade English Language Arts TestsA new report by Mathematica Policy Research shows that students' scores on the existing high...