McAlester Regional Health Center is happy to offer a variety of services to our patients. We’re trained and prepared to handle your healthcare needs- from checkups to emergencies.
To contact a specific department in McAlester Regional Health Center, please reference our list of Helpful Numbers. We’ve gathered information for specialty departments, various hotlines, the fire/police departments and more. If you do not see the number you need, give us a call at our main...
Prescription for Growth: McAlester Voters Can Approve Hospital Expansion without New TaxesMCALESTER - McAlester Regional Health Center Chief OperatingOfficer Chris Whybrew is planning an...TerryCobo, Sarah
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McAlester Hospital Proposes New Emergency DepartmentMCALESTER - Voters will go to the polls Feb. 9 to decide if theMcAlester Regional Health Center...Record, Journal