打开手机自带的文件管理,找到你下载的.mcaddon文件。通常,在浏览器下载的文件会在download文件夹里,如果是QQ下载的则在Android/data/com.tencent.mobileQQ/Tencent/QQfile_recv内。 单击文件,选择使用Minecraft打开。 手机会跳转到Minecraft游戏,游戏会自动开始导入。游戏上方会提示XXXX导入已开始,成功就会提示XXXX导入成功...
链接:https://www.mediafire.com/file/m8yoa2yftgec5f4/FNaF-into+the+pit.mcaddon/file 可不可以给一个免费的三连多发发评论(但别发怎么下载什么名字之类的) 别限流 万物皆可游戏 游戏 单机游戏 我的世界 玩具熊的五夜后宫 FNAF 陷入球池 球池陷阱 费兹熊惊魂记 FNAF小说 MC基岩版 必剪创作...
模组下载链接https://www.mediafire.com/file/ofw2wb8v8vxm7hu/WOC_WW2_Addon_.mcaddon/file一只虾某人 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 4.4万 30 02:52 App 过审核了,希望支持一下 5.2万 59 09:12 App 【第五人格】全新求生者弓箭手技能预测+解读 3.5万 758 00:43 App 缺点:就是...
Open the file through any file explorer LaunchMinecraft Pocket Edition Wait for the addon to import Select any world and click edit. SelectResource Packs Find the addon and activate it ChooseBehavior Packs Find the addon and activate it
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Using File Explorer, find the downloaded .mcpack or .mcaddon. As in iOS, Android, so in Windows 10 or 11, by default, all downloaded files are contained in the "Downloads" folder. In the drop-down menu, open the addon using the Minecraft PE (Bedrock) application...
Then go to your file manager appStep 3:Tap / click the Addon you installed and it will automatically imported to your MCPE. Make sure access the Addon file first, next tap and hold a file, when its selected, theres alot of tools would appear a i would recommend you to use "Cut tool...
if you want to review this addon please use mcpedl link or my youtube video link and don't use mediafile link if you break it i will take action suggestions:? Got any suggestions for what to add in a future update? please to comment ...
File Name ChangedAddonPlus-v2.5.7.jar Supported Versions 1.18.2 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:changed-addon-plus-711303:5319556") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that...
fromtempfile Seems to be unused/acceptRealmInviteAccepts a realm inviteParametersinviteID The realm invite code. Example: ecldDbao75U /connectCan be used for connecting to a server or opening a local world.ParameterslocalLevelId Appears to be the same as the world id inside the minecraftWorlds...