新运动控制协会成立 (Ann Arbor,Michigan– October 11, 2006) Executives from leading global motion control companies have launched a new trade association to serve the interests of motors, drives and controls companies. Known as the Motion Control Association (MCA), the new trade group will promote...
为激励传播能力培养,助力语言服务提升,经个人申请、资格初审、学院及校友综合评审,天津外国语大学英语学院组织开展首届Multiple Culture Ambassador奖学金(下称“MCA奖学金”)评审工作,共有10名优秀学生志愿者获得该项奖学金。 MCA奖学金由英语学院2006届英语(国际新...
(2006). MCA/MR Syndrome. In: Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg . https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-29623-9_7749 Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-29623-9_7749 Publisher NameSpringer, Berlin, ...
被引量: 43发表: 2006年 Hyperspectral BSS Using GMCA With Spatio-Spectral Sparsity Constraints Generalized morphological component analysis (GMCA) is a recent algorithm for multichannel data analysis which was used successfully in a variety of applic... Moudden, Y.,Bobin, J. - 《IEEE Transactions...
被引量: 89发表: 2006年 Membership categorization, culture and norms in action In this article, we examine the extent to which membership categorization analysis (MCA) can inform an understanding of reasoning within the public domain ... W Housley,R Fitzgerald - Sage Publications 被引量: 64发表...
务的独立分销企业,公司2006年成立至今,积累了大量代理以及分销渠道,重点面向电子产品制造企业提供电子 元器件采购一站式的供应链服务,以绝对的价格优势和优质的供货品质赢得了广大客户的认可和信任。多年的IC 经营过程中与许多国外专做ST、TE的大型专营商建立了稳固的代理和特约经销关系。公司备有大量的常用现货和 冷门...
关于颅内动脉粥样硬化性狭窄的危险因素报道很少,我们对125例缺血性脑血管病患者进行了经颅多普勒超声(TCD)检测颅内动脉及有关危险因素进行观察,现将结果报告如下。1 材料和方法 1.1 材料 (1)缺血性脑血管病组:2005年1月-2006年2月在我科住院的患者125例,男83例,女42例;年龄56~78岁,...
Tournaments 2009-2010 Tournaments 2008-2009 Tournaments 2007-2008 Tournaments 2006-2007 Tournaments 2005-2006 Grounds List of Grounds List of Pitches Churchgate to Mumbai Central Mumbai Central to Dadar Dadar to Borivali Borivali to Dahanu New Mumbai ...
Statin use is independently associated with smaller infarct volume in nonlacunar MCA territory stroke.[J].Journal of neuroimaging 2006,4(4).SHOOK S J,... Steven,J.,Shook,... - 《Journal of Neuroimaging》 被引量: 94发表: 2006年 Diffusion- and Perfusion-Weighted MRI : The DWI/PWI Mismatch...