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毛丰美是新时期辽沈大地成长起来的先进典型,他用忠诚、实干和清廉,为我们广大党员干部树立了一面光辉的旗帜。最近一段时间,通过"学党章党规、学系列讲话,做合格党员"学习教育,结合参观凤城市大梨树村的所见所闻,认真学习毛丰美同志的先进事迹,我深刻地体会... 官进伟; - "做合格党员"主题征文活动 被引量: 0发表...
Theater Winterthur, completed in 1979 and designed by architect Frank Krayenbeuhl, is an idiosyncratic building. Its distinctiveness derives from a mixture of very different architectural principles. The exterior is notable for its stepped massing, which appears monolithic due to its mostly windowless ...
From Maxell —Discontinued August 2021Maxell's installation-friendly MC-X8170 LCD projector is designed to provide maximum presentation impact in mid to large venue applications. It offers a versatile array of innovative, performance-enhancing features along with advanced video display technology providing...
Warranty Compared to the Competition Maxell MC-X8170 Projector 7000 Lumens, 8.8 kg, 3LCD XGA Projector View Projector Details Warranty Maxell MC-X8170 Your browser does not support charts×PROJECTORS Find a Projector Projector Reviews Throw Calculator Buyers Guide Top 10 Projectors Projecto...
Price Compared to the Competition Maxell MC-X8170 Projector 7000 Lumens, 8.8 kg, 3LCD XGA Projector View Projector Details Average Street Price Maxell MC-X8170 Your browser does not support charts×PROJECTORS Find a Projector Projector Reviews Throw Calculator Buyers Guide Top 10 Projectors...
Maxell MC-X8170 Projector (discontinued) 1024x768 3LCD, 7,000 lumens, 3,000:1 contrast, 2.00:1 zoom, 19.4 lbs Add to Compare ListProjector Details Why you need a Throw Distance Calculator? A projection calculator is used to calculate a screen size when a projector is a specific distance ...
Maxell MC-X8170 XGA (1024x768), 7000 ANSI Lumens, 8.8 kg, $4,239 (MSRP) View Specs User Reviews Write a Review No User ReviewsPROJECTORS Find a Projector Projector Reviews Throw Calculator Buyers Guide Top 10 Projectors Projector Lamps RESOURCES...
Maxell MC-X8170 XGA (1024x768), 7000 ANSI Lumens, 8.8 kg, $4,239 (MSRP) Please only write a review if you have personal experience using the Epson Home Cinema 4010 projector. Name Email You can use either your real name or an alias, as you wish, which will appear with your review...