美国特种作战司令部(SOCOM)成功引进了一款经过深度改装的C-130运输机,这款特殊的飞机被称为MC-130W“龙矛”(Dragon Spear)。它的研发和部署得益于直接采办授权,使得这个过程更为迅速,不受常规军种采购程序的限制。在短短90天内,MC-130W就具备了初始作战能力,并已部署至伊拉克战场,接下来还将...
美国特种作战司令部(SOCOM)正在对其MC-130W特种作战运输机(被称为“龙矛”Dragon Spear)进行创新,以增强其作战能力。一架新型MC-130W在机翼上进行了实验,搭载了250磅的GPS制导炸弹,旨在为阿富汗地面部队提供快速的火力支援。此次试验在四周内完成,但尚未投入实战应用。在最近的精确打击协会年度会议上...
This paper will discuss the path from concept to flight tests of the MC-130W Dragon Spear program. Furthermore, this paper will focus on the activities and lessons learned from the perspective of the flight test team at Eglin AFB from April 2009 to August 2011.Andrew J. Jutte...
This paper will discuss the path from concept to flight tests of the MC-130W Dragon Spear program. Furthermore, this paper will focus on the activities and lessons learned from the perspective of the flight test team at Eglin AFB from April 2009 to August 2011. 展开 会议名称: 2011 ...
Lockheed MC-130W 'Dragon Spear' 90-1058 (c/n 5241) is seen about to depart Runway 11 at RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk, on November 28, 2011, after a night stop. The aircraft is operated by the 73rd Special Operations Squadron, 27th Special Operations Wing based at Cannon AFB, New Mexico....
It says that the MC-130W Dragon Spear aircraft is one of the aircrafts that the company will provide with precision-strike packages. Furthermore, the awarding of contract for Sierra Nevada Corp. will be led by Air Force Warner Robins Air Logistics Center officials from Robins Air Force Base ...
美国特种作战司令部(SOCOM)获得了一架进行了大量改装的C-130运输机,可使用精确制导武器对地面目标进行打击。该项目由于使用了直接采办授权,使SOCOM能够更快速、不受干扰地完成该机的研制和部署。这架MC-130W“龙矛”(Dragon Spear)在90天内就具备了初始能力,已部署到了伊拉克战场,并将飞往阿富汗战场使用。与...