现货AND爱安德 质量比较器高分辨率天平商品销售指导价或该商品的曾经展示过的销售价等并非原价,仅供参考。实际以原厂报价为准!还可使用内置电池(另售),因此可以在任何地方使用。EK-120i / EK-200i / EK-300i / EK-410i / EK-610i 为圆板 产品介绍 现货AND爱安德 质量比较器高分辨率天平 现货AND爱安德 质量...
池田屋原装 AND爱安德 质量比较器 商品销售指导价或该商品的曾经展示过的销售价等并非原价,仅供参考。实际以原厂报价为准! 商品销售指导价或该商品的曾经展示过的销售价等并非原价,仅供参考。实际以原厂报价为准! 由于表面面积质量振动器的是小的,快速响应的变化在样品的粘度和温度的变化。实现实时测量。 变化的物...
BM-22,高分辨率微型天平,AND爱安德生产线的计量用!MC-1000,工业天平,AND爱安德汎用電子天びん MCシリーズ液体・
AND/日本艾安得小型天平 长处 RS-232C接口为标准接口,可使用数据处理软件WinCT。 您可以将数据导入 Excel、Word 等,或以文本文件的形式保存。 需要单独的 PC 连接电缆。 内置砝码 高分辨率和出色的可重复性(标准偏差) 单独出售的重心调节盘可消除偏差误差,并实现更高精度的比较称重(仅适用于 MC 系列) 此外,还...
品牌:AND爱安德 型号:MC-1000 最大称量:20000g 最小称量:0.001mg 最小示值:0.001 适用范围:无限 加工定制:是 外形尺寸:600mm 重量:350g 产地:日本 库存:16 联系人:黄女士 电话:13717029993 在线QQ:2279983868 电子天平 MC-6100
Flexible video and audio I/O configuration 16-channel embedded audio processing for each video channel Continuous output when input standard switches HDMI monitor output Dual PSU as standard Relay bypass on primary SDI inputs Automatic aspect ratio conversion (AFD, VI, L23) Powerful picture enhanceme...
InstallationandOperationManual MC1000Series ManualNumber:1001.013.11 TABLEOFCONTENTS 1.0GENERAL...1 PRODUCTSCOVEREDINTHISMANUAL...1 PRODUCTCHANGES...
We have more than ten years of experience in supplying hardware hand tools and seven years of experience in supplying woodworking machine. Hongzun tools integrates development, manufacturing and trading in-house, and participates in various hardware exhibitions in domestic and oversea...
AC Tech MC Series drives have constant horsepower that can be used for simple applications that require ramped start and stop as well as speed control. They can also be used in demanding applications that require PID set-point control as well as other complex functions. Most applications can us...
the right to make the final determination as to the validity of a warranty claim, and sole obligation is to repair or replace only components which have been rendered defective due to faulty material or workmanship. No warranty claim will be accepted for components which have been damaged due ...