Changes needed for the Horse Ranch update MC Woohoo 2023.4.1Has the same version requirements as...
但如果使用其他怀孕相关Mod,如Lumpinou的"WooHooWellness and Pregnancy Overhaul” ,你必须将 “冒险嘿咻怀孕概率”设置为默认0。3.嘿咻反应:按个人需求共享双人床如果你家比较小床不够用可以启用,睡前嘿咻是在晚10点到早4点嘿咻完直接睡觉4.其他设置:按个人需求氪金Q-36型避孕药是MC指挥中心嘿咻模块添加的选项,...
Deaderpool created it as an extension for the Sims 4 MC Command Center. Apart from that, you can also turn on the “Risky Woohoo” option. This option allows you a chance to Woohoo normally while increasing your chance to get pregnant. ...
Earlier Sims 4 versions may not be compatible so we often do not support anything below the specified version here!2024.2.0 Changes MC Woohoo 2024.2.0Has the same version requirements as MC Command Center described above and requires MC Command Center to work correctly.附件下载链接:...
Note:I leave the risky woohoo percentage at zero since I also use theRelationship & Pregnancy Overhaul mod. It takes care of the risky percentage and requires that it’s set to zero in MCCC. Related posts: How I Play The Sims 4 Rotationally ...
Support The Mod The MC Command Center is a mod that adds greater control to your Sims 4 game experience and NPC story progression options. On this website you can find various resources available for users of the mod. Down below you can find a quick overview of the different sections of ...
The newest public release for MCCC/MC Woohoo is 4.1.2. Small update to 4.1.0 to fix problem 来自模拟人生吧 大狱草民 贴吧用户_0GyW88E09-06 16 【M4求助】模拟人生4的mc控制中心字没显示 模拟人生4是刚买的正版,版本号是1.61,mc控制中心版本是6.6.2,但是显示出来是这个样子, 我是直接放在第一...
The newest public release for MCCC/MC Woohoo is 4.1.2. Small update to 4.1.0 to fix problem 1719388 模拟人生吧 旧城城呀 【M4求助】MC控制中心用不了前几天打折在Steam上入了正,今天下载了MC控制中心,也安装在了mods目录里,为啥打开游戏没有啊 分享7赞 模拟人生吧 发寻狗启事找猫 【M吧闲谈】MC...
It will also work with anything after that Sims 4 update unless otherwise specified on Tumblr/Patreon posts I make after the update. Earlier Sims 4 versions may not be compatible so we often do not support anything below the specified version here! 2024.2.0 Changes MC Woohoo 2024.2.0 Has ...
预览 [功能性MOD] 《模拟人生4(The Sims 4)》MC Command Center 2023.4.1+MC Woohoo 2023.4.1 ...23456..29 syhkn 2023-8-14 12:20 84016587 世界都为你倾倒 2025-3-24 11:08 预览 [功能性MOD] 【搬运】宠物可控制MOD!喜欢养宠物的玩家必备!(可配合DD宠物包使用) ...23456.....