但如果使用其他怀孕相关Mod,如Lumpinou的"WooHooWellness and Pregnancy Overhaul” ,你必须将 “冒险嘿咻怀孕概率”设置为默认0。3.嘿咻反应:按个人需求共享双人床如果你家比较小床不够用可以启用,睡前嘿咻是在晚10点到早4点嘿咻完直接睡觉4.其他设置:按个人需求氪金Q-36型避孕药是MC指挥中心嘿咻模块添加的选项,...
Changes needed for the Horse Ranch update MC Woohoo 2023.4.1Has the same version requirements as...
Support The Mod The MC Command Center is a mod that adds greater control to your Sims 4 game experience and NPC story progression options. On this website you can find various resources available for users of the mod. Down below you can find a quick overview of the different sections of ...
预览 [功能性MOD] 《模拟人生4(The Sims 4)》MC Command Center 2023.4.1+MC Woohoo 2023.4.1 ...23456..29 syhkn 2023-8-14 12:20 84016614 世界都为你倾倒 2025-3-24 11:08 预览 [功能性MOD] 【搬运】宠物可控制MOD!喜欢养宠物的玩家必备!(可配合DD宠物包使用) ...23456.....
Upon changing age values in MCCC, mini-me's age meter appears mostly green (assuming that means it's "filled"), right next to the caption "24 days till aging... - 8649694