mod:显示屏错误代码:forge mod loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation the mods and versions,listed below could not be found mcef:anythe file 'logs/fml-client-latest.log' contains more information 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-05-01 22:00回复 ...
[19:52:13] [Server thread/警告]: Mod codechickenlib is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version[19:52:13] [Server thread/信息]: Disabling mod durabilityviewer it is client side only.[19:52:15] ...
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p=4484https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DWlJLZ2dPdFR3aldShttp://file.ningnana.top/d/22677084-61836808-1e4fde(配合I18nUpdateMod使用,详见【MC资源帖】模组/整合包等资源汉化指南) [ATMG2] All The Mods - Gravitas²游戏版本:Forge 1.20.1作者:ATMTeamMCMOD百科:https://www.mcmod.cn/modpack/698.html...
装了mod mc崩溃..--- Minecraft Crash Report ---// Don't be sad, have a hug! <3Time: 13-5-9 下午10:01Description: F
我的世界模组文件 json文件
[12:32:14] [main/DEBUG] [FML]: Adding 4621632218832071536@3@0.jar to the mod list[12:32:14] [main/DEBUG] [FML]: Adding 4622742348375674827@3@36.jar to the mod list[12:32:14] [main/DEBUG] [FML]: Adding 4622755473382697808@3@37.jar to the mod list[12:32:14] [main/DEBUG] [...
net/minecraft/bundler/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 61.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0 at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.BundlerProcessor.process(BundlerProcessor.java:103) at...