Updated Smooth Stone texture in Armor Stand base (MCPE-148565) 更新了盔甲架底座的光滑石头纹理。 (MCPE-148565) Removed horizontal lines in Oak and Iron upper Door textures (MCPE-148566) 去除橡木和铁质上半门纹理中的水平线。 (MCPE-148566) ...
Labels: advancement recipe upgrade Confirmation Status: Confirmed Description The bug When opening a world created before 17w47 in 17w47+ some advancements and recipes are not upgraded. For the wooden button, pressure plate and trapdoor this could be intended since for them the different wood va...
MC-28498Crafting Smooth Sand Stone into Smooth Sand Stone Resolved (4 is duplicated by) Activity Assignee: Unassigned Reporter: Moe Votes: 14Vote for this issue Watchers: 8Start watching this issue Created: 25/Oct/12 6:48 PM Updated:
*Black Dye* - A substitute for Ink Sacs in recipes that require a black dye. Version 0.0.1 - First version! Blocks added: *Lantern* - An upgraded light source that can hang on the ceiling or sit on the floor. *Stonecutter* - A decorative block. Recipe not yet implemented. ...
BungeeCord, the 6th in a generation of server portal suites. Efficiently proxies and maintains connections and transport between multiple Minecraft servers. - BungeeCord/chat/src/main/resources/mojang-translations/en_US.properties at master · SpigotMC/B
·You will need one hay block and four redstone for this recipe 配方需要一个干草块和四个红石(旁白:红石粉,一块钱四个,嘿嘿!) 标靶和它的配方 Zombified Piglin僵尸化猪人 ·Zombie Pigmen are now known as Zombified Piglins, and they now have ears... or well, one at least ...
Non-craftable recipes no longer displayed in Recipe Book when search mechanism is used 当在配方书中搜索配方时,不再显示无法合成的配方 Nether blocks now appear in the crafting grid if any other ingredient is unavailable 当任何其他的合成材料不可用时,会用下界岩替代在合成网格中 ...