Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft Utility 22.6 M Decorative Blocks by Several People... Adds a few decorative blocks (NO LONGER MAINTAINED) Decoration 22.5 M KubeJS by Several People... Edit recipes, add new custom items, script world events, all in JavaScript! API and Library...
Sounds - Added subtitles for all sounds. Fixes #97 Stonecutter - Fixed a crash #78 Stonecutter - Fixed a few incorrect recipes Stonecutter - Removes empty recipes during postInit. Fixes #76 Suspicious Stew - Supports custom potion effects. Fixes #124 Walls - Much more configurable, you can ...
autorecipestackmanager.initialize(this); // Paper - better exact choice recipes int i = 0; diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Level.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Level.java index 8f437225d2a4e08ca47873cd42277d9f0f9f5529..c10efc14ca83f07b27a2f12776...
This pack adds recipes for Cobblestone and Cobbled Deepslate from Stone and Deepslate to the Stonecutter. Download v 1.0 MC 1.21 Resource PacksBOX! Brown Shulker boxes are cardboard boxes. Great for moving house! Download v 1.7 MC 1.21+ Variant Grass Adds some texture variety to short gr...
Added Recipes for Echo of the Void Armours Added Stronghold Loottable for Teleportation Robes and Unstable Robes Added the Entertainer's Garb to the Wandering Trader's trade list Added slow falling effect to Phantom and Frost Bite Armours (Arcanecorgi's idea) ...
fixed recipes not appearing in recipe book added missing texture for tempered heavy blades tweaked advancement titles added advancement for upgrading shields fixed toolbelts being able to be replaced into itself increased machete sweep aoe fixed incorrect swing speed for basic blades fixed swords not ...
gameRules.put(RANDOM_TICK_SPEED, new Value<>(Type.INTEGER, 3)); // Vanilla: default 1 gameRules.gameRules.put(RECIPES_UNLOCK, new Value<>(Type.BOOLEAN, false)); // Vanilla: default true gameRules.gameRules.put(RESPAWN_BLOCKS_EXPLODE, new Value<>(Type.BOOLEAN, true)); gameRules.gameRules....
Recipes for Version 4.1.x Special Upgrades Potion effects have a chance to last twice as long when attacking Increase the distance a blockling can mine by 1 block Highlights the position of the blockling with the glowing effect Chance to instantly mine a block ...
At infatuation level 9,they can be tamed by right-clicking on them with the waifu ring;which requires a diamond and four gold nuggets in a specific pattern (recipes shown in image gallery). Once tamed, they are now your waifu! They will have new dialogue to show this, and will now fol...
It applys potion effects and enchantments while in the water, and removes them when you leave it. How to craft things? Recipes: Changelogs: Version 1.0.0!: ADDED: Adds Diving Suit with one optional upgrade. Adds crafting recipes Adds creative tab to put them on. ...