1. Towns and Towers - Structure Add-on 增加了掠夺者塔楼,恶低村庄,海上村民商队,本质上是对原版村庄的多样性进行强化 ALL 2. When Dungeons Arise 地牢浮现之时,增加大量的地牢,塔楼,包括掠夺者大本营,掠夺者城堡,赌场牛头人城堡,掠夺者农场,飞艇。物资奖励极其丰富,但是难度极高 ALL 介绍1,介绍2 3. 【Fab...
I might have an idea of what's going on. Did you copy your entire mods folder from a client to the server after the .connector folder was generated? Connector only strips sided code when transforming jars, therefore running the client and then copying the output jars to a server will leav...
Piglin Outstation This Outstation has Piglins spawning all the times and contains a secret vault guarded by piglin brutes
When Family Video finally went out of business in 2022, it was thelast remaining brick-and-mortar media retail chainin the country. Located primarily in more rural towns and mid-sized cities, initially to avoid competition with Blockbuster, the company had managed to survive for so long because...
Random names for the waystones Support for Other Mods/Datapacks Adding New Villages (e.g.,Towns and Towers,,Terralith,Incendium,Dungeons and Taverns(✅),The Creeper's Code(✅),Stellarity(✅) andThe Thunderbirds Village Collection(✅))...
│ Towns-and-Towers-1.12-Fabric+Forge.jar │ twilighttweaks-1.20.x-1.2.jar │ ultris-v5.6.9c.jar │ valhelsia_core-forge-1.20.1-1.1.1.jar │ valhelsia_structures-forge-1.20.1-1.1.1.jar │ watut-forge-1.20.1-1.1.0.jar │ well-1.20.1-1.0.0.jar ...
The Graveyard The Lost Castle Towns and Towers Valhelsia Structures When Dungeons Arise Yung's StructuresIf you enjoy this mod consider supporting the development, any support is greatly appreciated.The development is an unpaid free-time activity, so any support helps being able to spend more time...
Yeehaw Towns! Aether Villages Towers of the Wild: Additions The loot gets more variance and is chosen from comparable vanilla loot tables, which also contain modded loot for compatibility with all mods adding loot. Only required on serverside, does not require all mods to be present. No known...
Ruined Towns Ruined Towns are ruins from the past with rubble everywhere with suspicious gravel holding mostly just junk but maybe some sherds and other tressures Stray Fort This fort generates in cold biomes and is infested with strays and guard towers ...
1. Towns and Towers - Structure Add-on 增加了掠夺者塔楼,恶低村庄,海上村民商队,本质上是对原版村庄的多样性进行强化 ALL 2. When Dungeons Arise 地牢浮现之时,增加大量的地牢,塔楼,包括掠夺者大本营,掠夺者城堡,赌场牛头人城堡,掠夺者农场,飞艇。物资奖励极其丰富,但是难度极高 ALL 介绍1,介绍2 3. 【Fab...