Age of Eng..TiC工具开局。之后可以直接合成Mining Multitool进入挖矿世界,挖矿世界中永远是白天。合成表中的打火石被修改为燧石。原版熔炉不能烧肉,可使用TiC晾干架制作肉干。
mcmap- Isometric map visualizer Original project by Simon Rettberg. All the credit goes to him for the idea and vision. mcmapis a tool allowing you to create isometric renders of your Minecraft save file. This project is underheavydevelopment, but compatible with newer versions of Minecraft. ...
smbpasswd文件如果没有那就要手工新建。 username map = /etc/samba/smbusers 说明:用来定义用户名映射,比如可以将root换成administrator、admin等。不过要事先在smbusers文件中定义好。比如:root = administrator admin,这样就可以用administrator或admin这两个用户来代替root登陆Samba Server,更贴近windows用户的习惯。 gue...
CEO, Map My Health "The improvements he made enabled us to seek early feedback from our customers, helping them convert" "We needed help and support in turning our clunky product into a simple, easy and user-friendly solution for our customers. The improvements he made enabled us to seek ...
mcmap is a tool allowing you to create isometric renders of your Minecraft save file. This project is under heavy development, but compatible with newer versions of Minecraft. Usage Basic invocation mcmap <options> path/to/<your save> The standard save path is different between OSes: On Li...
2010-12-06 Trampolining through mutual recursion with Clojure 2010-06-06 Inserting values into a nested map in Clojure 2010-02-21 Plotting time series data with IncanterThis work by Jake McCrary is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 Disclosure Policy...
These digital marketing tips can help roofers get on the map, both figuratively and literally, and get noticed so they bring in more customers! Have A Professionally Built, User-Friendly Website - The easiest way to lose a hot lead is for them to click on an outdated website or one that...
A large cargo box can be great for days’ worth of clothes, but may not be the most accessible place for a map or handheld GPS. Also consider where you are going to be riding. Should your gear be stored in an airtight, waterproof box, or will it be fine in a soft pack? Can you...
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