mc-map-item-tool nodejswebtool for converting images to Minecraft map items. Other code/libraries used:jquery,bootstrap,Colour.js,cookies.js,node-nbt,archiver,babel,lazystream,moment,node-static,winston How to setup and run your own server ...
44、MC Map Item Tool(自定义地图物品生成器): 45、MinecraftShapes(建筑辅助): 46、Textcraft(MC风格艺术字): 七、其它Minecraft相关网站 47、MinecraftForge官网: 48、NeoForge官网:https://neoforged.n...
2L所需材料:一个原版Minecraft一个可以正常工作的浏览器一个科.学.上.网.软.件 回复 举报|2楼2018-02-09 15:14 你电铁 小吧主 12 这个网站叫做MC Map Item Tool,实测在南昌可以登上。这个网站就是我们这篇文章的主角,它可以将网络图片转为MC的地图模式(地图画)。 回复 举报|3楼2018-02-09 15:26...
GetEngineCompFactory().CreateItem(levelId) comp.GetItemBasicInfo("minecraft:bow") # GetItemEffectName描述 获取物品的状态描述,如:§7保护 0§r 参数 参数名数据类型说明 itemName str item的identifier auxValue int 物品的附加值auxValue,默认为不指定auxValue(0) userData dict 物品userData,默认为None ...
47. Minecraft Comes Alive 虚拟人生/凡家物语,彻底修改了原版的村民系统,更改了外观并添加了大量的职业,同时还能让村民与玩家结婚生子,共同生活等等等等FO(最高1.12.2) 48. Emerald Craft Mod 绿宝石工艺,添加了9种新的职业以及许多可以交易的生物FO 49. 物品向Mod: (以添加物品为主的mod) A. 武器,装甲和...
GetEngineCompFactory().CreateItem(levelId) comp.GetItemBasicInfo("minecraft:bow") # GetItemEffectName描述 获取物品的状态描述,如:§7保护 0§r 参数 参数名数据类型说明 itemName str item的identifier auxValue int 物品的附加值auxValue,默认为不指定auxValue(0) userData dict 物品userData,默认为None ...
A dungeon-busting modpack focused on complete integration between mods. The goal is for it to feel like Minecraft 2.0!
In the early hours of the morning, a player in my server reported that they've been unable to rejoin after collecting a map from a Sunken Ship and was hit with "Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Failed to decode packet 'clientbound/minecraft:map_item_data'" I ...
Integrated Minecraft is theofficialmodpack for the Integrated Structures mods, focused on creating thebest exploration experienceout there. Usingquests, recipes, lore, loot,and of course,structures, this pack brings every single mod together. Mods will not feel like complete side-quests, it will fe...
effect:状态效果实例,与 minecraft:potion_contents组件中的 custom_effects中的复合标签格式相同。probabil...