# format_version基岩版自定义方块的json结构曾经过多次调整,当填写format_version时,需要按照对应版本的json结构编写components。你可以在以下两个版本进行选择:1.16.0 该版本的components结构详见bedrock.dev 。 1.10.0 该版本的components结构详见bedrock.dev 。该版本相比于1.16.0,component的值为一个Json Object,例如...
{ "format_version": "1.14.0", // 格式版本为1.14.0 "minecraft:feature_rules": { "description": { "identifier": "custombiomes:overworld_pumpkins_feature", // 该feature_rule的identifier "places_feature": "custombiomes:netease_pumpkins_structure_feature" // 该feature_rule所放置的feature的...
#我的世界 #MC #我的世界指令 服刑前最后一期视频以下是manifest.json文件的半成品,跳到视频中8:59稍作修改即可{ "format_version": , "header": { "name":"", "description": "", "uuid": "", "version": [], "min_engine_version": [] }, "modules": [ { "type": "", "uuid": "",...
"format_version": 1, "header": { "description": "这填副标题", "name": "这填主标题", "uuid": "这填第1串UUID", "version": [1, 0, 0] }, "modules": [ { "description": "这里填副标题", "type": "data", "uuid": "这里填第2串UUID", "version": [1, 0, 0] } ], "de...
"format_version": 1,//附加包的版本 "header": {//附加包详情 "uuid": "UUID",//uuid采用十六进制,需与“modules”中UUID和其他附加包UUID不同 "name": "文本",//附加包名称 "version": [主版本号, 次版本号, 修订号],//资源包版本用数字表示例如:[1.1.1](高版本将覆盖低版本) "description":...
[MC-CSDL]: Conceptual Schema Definition File Format 1 Introduction 2 Structures 3 Structure Examples 4 Security Considerations 5 Appendix A: Full XML Schemas 6 Appendix B: Differences Between CSDL 1.0 and CSDL 1.1 7 Appendix C: Differences Between CSDL 1.1 and CSDL 1.2 ...
--exec value 为每个匹配对象生成一个外部进程(请参阅FORMAT) --name value 查找匹配通配符模式的对象。 ... ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 实例:持续从local/test存储桶中查找所有txt文件,并复制到minio "local/buc1"存储桶 mc find local/test --name "*.txt" --watch --exec "mc cp...
Envelope Encoding Records are theProperty Recordsthat define the encoding format that is used to encode the message envelope in subsequentEnvelope Records. Suchrecordscome in two forms:Known Encoding RecordsandExtensible Encoding Records. In messages, this record shows as variable-sized so that it can...
Description Date and time that the record was migrated. DisplayName Record Created On IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName overriddencreatedon RequiredLevel None Type DateTime CanChangeDateTimeBehavior False DateTimeBehavior UserLocal Format DateOnly ImeMode Inactive SourceTypeMask 0state...