Pixel Data Format 8 / 10 / 12 bit Exposure Time (1 ㎲ step) 1/100000 s - 7 s Exposure Mode Free-Run, Overlap, Fast, Double - Programmable Exposure Time and Trigger Polarity Lens Mount F-mount, Custom mount available upon request Dimension / Weight 94 ㎜× 120 ㎜× 183.9 ㎜, 2.3...
{ "format_version": "1.14.0", // 格式版本为1.14.0 "minecraft:feature_rules": { "description": { "identifier": "custombiomes:overworld_pumpkins_feature", // 该feature_rule的identifier "places_feature": "custombiomes:netease_pumpkins_structure_feature" // 该feature_rule所放置的feature的...
The FormatName method is received by the server in an RPC_REQUEST packet. In response, the server returns the format name
The FormatName method is received by the server in an RPC_REQUEST packet. In response, the server MUST return theformat nameof the representedQueue. [propget] HRESULT FormatName( [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrFormatName ); pbstrFormatName:A pointer to aBSTRthat, when successfully completed, contai...
{"pack": {"pack_format": 4,"description": "DIY Records Songs"}} 4、文件与路径:将已经转码好的“嘴巴嘟嘟”音乐改名为“11.ogg”,放在“assets\minecraft\sounds\records”文件路径下。(MC有12种唱片,分别命名为:13、cat、blocks、chirp、far、mall、mellohi、stal、strad、ward、11、wait,后缀均为.ogg...
(BIG) Indicates that big frame format is used. This value MUST be 0 because the big frame format was never implemented. 0x20 (CMD or COMMAND) Indicates that this is a Data Frame. This bit MUST be set for Data Frames. If the EXT bit is also set, the packet MUST be ignored. 0x10...
This value MUST be 0 because the big frame format was never implemented. 0x20 (CMD or COMMAND) Indicates that this is a Data Frame. This bit MUST be set for Data Frames. If the EXT bit is also set, the packet MUST be ignored. 0x10 (STA or START) Indicates the start of a ...
Format:格式。这个选项中是一些工程分辨率和帧率的预设。 Raster dimension、Aspect ration:分辨率与画面宽高比。多数情况下选择1920*1080。当选择了Format中的分辨率预设时,该选项无法被修改。如果需要创建特定分辨率和帧率的工程,需要在 Format 中选择 Custom(自定义)后方可输入目标分辨率、帧率。除非你清楚自己的设置是什...
essentials.msg.format, essentials.msg.url, essentials.pay, essentials.pay.offline, essentials.paytoggle, essentials.sethome, essentials.sethome.multiple, essentials.sethome.multiple.vip, essentials.suicide, essentials.tpa, essentials.tpacancel,
{ "format_version": "1.13.0", "minecraft:block": { "description": { "identifier": "micro_block:number_9_2", "register_to_creative_menu": true, "micro_size": "1 1 1" }, "components": { } } } 在MicroBlocksMod_resource/models/netease_micro_block/ 文件夹下新建 number_9_2....