按照以上步骤操作后,你应该能够解决 bash: mc: command not found 的问题,并成功使用 mc 命令与 MinIO 对象存储服务器进行交互。如果问题仍然存在,请检查你的系统环境变量设置或联系系统管理员以获取进一步帮助。
Homepage: https://www.midnight-commander.org Section: utils Midnight Commander, a terminal based file manager. Navigate the directory structure using the arrow keys, the mouse or by typing the commands into the terminal. More information: <https://midnight-commander.org>. Start Midnight Comma...
make: as86: Command not found 问题介绍 在make项目的过程中,出现了as86的问题。也就是出现了as86汇编器未安装的问题,本以为直接安装就可以了...下面介绍具体的问题 解决过程 1.查找as86所在的软件包 sudo apt-cachesearchas86 这里显示as86在bin86这个软件包里面 2.安装bin86 sudo apt-getinstallbin86...
Vector libraries are not found in Simulink Library Browser MATLAB/Simulink MC Add-on startup print is not in the Command window Solution: To locate the first startup.m file, type which startup in Matlab Command Window. If the displayed path is different from Matlabroot\toolbox\local\startup...
装错了的话去重置系统镜像。 9. 没有 apt 指令,报错 -bash: apt: command not found 请确认自己服务器镜像是 Ubuntu 20.04 而不是其他 Linux 发行版比如 CentOS 7. 装错了的话去重置系统镜像。
- "NOT_FOUND\r\n"指示该项内容的值,不存在。 - <value>\r\n ,<value>是增加/减少。 注意"decr"命令发生下溢:如果客户端尝试减少的结果小于0 时,结果会是0。"incr" 命令不会发生溢出。 状态 命令"stats" 被用于查询服务器的运行状态和其他内部数据。有两种格式。不带参数的: ...
mc: <DEBUG> TLS Certificate found: mc: <DEBUG> >> Expires: 2023-01-21 16:14:38 +0000 UTC mc: <DEBUG> Response Time: 52.4736ms mc: <DEBUG> GET /data/?object-lock= HTTP/1.1 Host: X.X.X.X User-Agent: MinIO (linux; amd64) minio-go/v7.0.20 mc/RELEASE.2022-01-07T06-01-38...
import Klasse.MeineKlasse Does not even run from the command line: File "C:\Users\user\git\HelloWorld\src\HelloWorld.py", line 4, in <module> import Klasse.MeineKlasse ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Klasse.MeineKlasse'; 'Klasse' is not a package Which makes totally sense. Two th...
No force loaded chunks were found in minecraft:overworld Code analysis: Innet.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel#setChunkForced, the dirty state ofchunks.datis set to the result of addition/removal of a forced chunk. If the server stops with the dirty statefalse, forced chunks will not be sav...
硬體鍵盤要求 (Command-minus) 以減少 的大小 UIResponder。 IncreaseSize(UIResponder, NSObject) 硬體鍵盤要求 (命令加號) ,以增加 的大小 UIResponder。 CollapseSecondaryViewController(UIViewController, UIViewController, UISplitViewController) 折迭上的次要檢視控制器 splitViewController GetSplitViewController...