You can invite sim over hold on shift cluck the Sim and click add to household.","kudosSumWeight":0,"repliesCount":0,"postTime":"2019-05-03T01:00:46.597+01:00","images":{"__typename":"AssociatedImageConnection","edges":[],"totalCount":0,"pageInfo":{"__t...
MC Command Center is one of my must-havemods for The Sims 4. Here are the settings I’m currently using in my game. I play in a style similar to the way I playThe Sims 2– where my Sims do not progress when I’m not playing them. I control all playable households and play them...
The Monkey King spun around and his tail whacked the knife away. The thug cursed and loosened his guard, prompting Wukong to spin again and this time, his tail wrapped around the girl’s waist and pulled her away, sending her into her mother’s arms. The thug sharply turned to him and...
“sim_move” can be used for moving between different households or adding them to the active household. Also, as of MCCC 5.0.0, there is a Sim Command in the Sim MCCC menu under “Maintain Sim” to move Sims between different households. This works with no problems with households of...
“sim_move” can be used for moving between different households or adding them to the active household. Also, as of MCCC 5.0.0, there is a Sim Command in the Sim MCCC menu under “Maintain Sim” to move Sims between different households. This works with no problems with households of...