a folder “The Sims 4\Mods\MCCC” is perfectly fine. However, a folder “The Sims 4\Mods\Script Mods\MCCC”’ isn’t right. The game Sims 4 shall only penetrate one-level deep while it’s searching
You cannot use the standard Sims 4 methods for adding Sims to households if you have households of more than 8 Sims. It is hard-coded in the Sims 4 UI code... - 9163470
actually ended up adding sims with testing cheats and strangely it showed them as owning both the home I wanted them to go to and the lot that the other family was at. I to clear it by evicting from the undesired lot and it resulted in 4 random sims being deleted from the 12 ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only Metacritic.com uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.
I miss Kelly Sheridan as the voice of Barbie, songs like Princess and the Pauper, and frankly, the characters move like The Sims. Mattel can do better, but they've done much worse. This is a definite improvement over many of its recent predecessors, and I think kids and adults will ...
This season – with the college-basketball luxury of having his two best players (Coleman and Sims) being seniors – Smart’s Horns were ranked as high as No. 4. But they regressed as the season progressed. Teammates fought in huddles during games. Highly-touted freshman Greg Brown’s im...
Help your Sims develop relationships with other characters and address their own dreams, aspirations, career choices and personal desires. Expand your Sims’ careers, fashion options and furniture by purchasing ...
Help your Sims develop relationships with other characters and address their own dreams, aspirations, career choices and personal desires. Expand your Sims’ careers, fashion options and furniture by purchasing optional expansions...
(作弊代码)基础大秘籍(一众秘籍的基础,建议打开游戏就输入)testingcheats true:启用作弊模式人物cas.fulleditmode:修改人物基因(按shitf点击人物修改)resetSim [名] [姓]:重置模拟市民headlineeffects [onoff]:隐藏或显示市民头顶的特效(包括水晶、想法气泡等)金钱修改sims.modify_funds 5000000:增加500w(数值自己随意改...
actually ended up adding sims with testing cheats and strangely it showed them as owning both the home I wanted them to go to and the lot that the other family was at. I to clear it by evicting from the undesired lot and it resulted in 4 random sims being deleted from the 12 ...