Please note that this app is an unofficial DLC & Mods designed to enhance your enjoyment of 《Minecraft》. It is not the game itself, and it is not affiliated with or endorsed by Mojang Studios, Double Eleven, Double Eleven, Blackbird Interactive and Xbox Games Studios, or the official...
1、add-on 插件 ·用于改变游戏事物的外观。 ·行为包,用于更改实体的行为。 ·资源包,拥有与PC版相同的用途,,它也可以用于更改实体的模型,但无法用于更改方块模型。 ·世界模板可以用于从外部导入一个世界。 #这使得光影 57928 minecraft吧 31号游戏🎄 基岩版正版登陆Xboxlive后不可以离线玩吗? 分享21 我的...
settings.gradle.kts Add core manager functionality Jun 24, 2024 Repository files navigation README GPL-3.0 license MCXboxBroadcast A simple tool that broadcasts an existing Geyser/Bedrock server over Xbox Live. This shows up to the authenticated accounts friends in-game as a joinable session and...
Xbox-app op tv's Xbox Family Settings-app Console-entertainment-apps Ondersteuning Startpagina voor Ondersteuning Xbox-status Help-onderwerpen Account en profiel Abonnementen en facturering Hardware en netwerk Gezin en online veiligheid Games en apps Vrienden en sociale activiteiten To...
分享21 minecraft吧 link星😁 XBOX360版我的世界TU在哪里下载?玩了几天原始版本,终于在FSD里更新了TU,但是里边好几个不知道哪个是最新的,一个一个实验,发现最高只有TU14,上边还有几个但是选了没反应还是原始 分享27赞 我的世界吧 Choum0 MC官方启动器下载失败如题,怎么一回事捏,又要如何解决 捏 分享17赞 ...
Please note that this app is an unofficial DLC & Mods designed to enhance your enjoyment of 《Minecraft》. It is not the game itself, and it is not affiliated with or endorsed by Mojang Studios, Double Eleven, Double Eleven, Blackbird Interactive and Xbox Games Studios, or the official...
40天 本服为基岩版生存插件养老服 无论是生存党还是摸鱼党我们这里都欢迎 死亡掉落 有部分插件指令(进服务器有指导手册) 请将群内昵称改为 昵称(xboxid)的格式 群号:856932645 欢迎大家来玩uwu 分享回复1 我的世界bug吧 liuqiang112828 【发布】Getop后门插件 for 1.9一楼防吞 分享31 我的世界插件吧 流离人...
Please note that this app is an unofficial DLC & Mods designed to enhance your enjoyment of 《Minecraft》. It is not the game itself, and it is not affiliated with or endorsed by Mojang Studios, Double Eleven, Double Eleven, Blackbird Interactive and Xbox Games Studios, or the official...
explore and survive alone or with friends on mobile devices, Nintendo Switch, "PlayStation 4", Xbox One and Windows 10 or Windows 11. • Minecraft: Java Edition – Prepare for an adventure of limitless possibilities as you build, mine, battle mobs and explore the ever-changing Minecraft lan...
1.矿物 本add新增一种矿物:大理石,可以在主世界0--16层挖到,概率相当于钻石?(如图一) 将大理石矿石挖掉会掉落一个大理石 大理石可以制作一些工具。 2.工具 新增大理石剑(攻击14)大理石镐(挖掘等级杠杠的)大理石斧(不光可以砍树还可以挖矿,但效率等分)大理石凯之棍 (攻击40,一跳跳跃20格直接原地起飞)(如图二...