a number of reflex muscle responses may be triggered simultaneously, as when a person shudders and jerks away from the touch of an insect. Links between the reflex arcs and higher centers enable the brain to identify a sensory stimulus, such as pain; to note the reflex response, such as ...
glottal on a bottle xkcd on relevance implicature: debunking the linguist urge Finnish pronouns and sarcasm teach a person how to look up the etymology of “fish” and they learn for a lifetime the Double Empathy problem conjugating Christmas Christmas plural you form Pinguinuca and Antipinguin...
(archived). As so often with McWhorter, a good basic point (English is odd in having only one second-person pronoun) is vitiated by errors, overstatements, and just plain weirdness. Take this paragraph: In creoles such as Jamaican patois and Gullah, which stem from a creole English created...
Everybody has a special talent, but we suspect Billy Currington might have set his goals for finding his purpose just a bit low on this, the lead single from his 2010 album Enjoy Yourself. He claims to be no good at mowing, painting or any form of hard working on this loping, genial...
A bit of this person, a little of that person, saved notes of conversation and pieces of experience all go into the vault of ideas. So ideas come from just about anywhere and go into the big soup pot of a rich mix. And then at the end of this wash of creativity comes the real ...
For shorter updates, follow me on twitter as a person, as my blog, or as the podcast, or for a monthly newsletter with highlights, subscribe on substack. Posted in yearlyTagged because internet, blogiversary, book, cross-post, lingthusiasm, links, new york times, speaking, tumblr, twitter...
Everybody has a special talent, but we suspect Billy Currington might have set his goals for finding his purpose just a bit low on this, the lead single from his 2010 albumEnjoy Yourself.He claims to be no good at mowing, painting or any form of hard working on this loping, genial num...
and other magical creatures. The introduction of magic to a world with advanced steam technology creates new opportunities for those willing to exploit the possibilities of strange, new powers. One such person is Duke Schaever, who is determined to combine science and magic for his own ends. Un...
Everybody has a special talent, but we suspect Billy Currington might have set his goals for finding his purpose just a bit low on this, the lead single from his 2010 albumEnjoy Yourself.He claims to be no good at mowing, painting or any form of hard working on this loping, genial num...
Trump, in other words, stayed true to form when given a chance to define his candidacy in what appears to be a close race with Kamala Harris — making only a modest attempt to modify his harsh rhetoric about migrants at the event broadcast in Spanis...