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MAC-419是一种含氟化合物/树脂混合物的水稀释乳液,用于橡胶模塑工艺中的脱模涂层和未固化橡胶的防粘涂层。 本产品是橡胶工业中使用的传统脱模剂和防虱剂/防堆积剂的经济替代品,同时提供了优于此类剂的性能。 也可用作橡胶和芯轴润滑剂 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等...
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2300 McKinley Ave is a 1,768 square foot house on a 7,000 square foot lot with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.. Based on Redfin's Anchorage data, we estimate the home's value is $330,908. Single-family 1952 7,000 sq ft $187 Redfin Estimate per sq ft Source:Public Records Redfin ...
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NNAMC2300PC01 数据手册 zForce AIR™ Touch Sensor User's Guide 2017-12-21 Legal Notice Neonode may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Do not finalize a design with this information. Neonode assumes no liability for applications assistance or cust...
2300 Cooper Avenue Merced, CA 95348 Supplies: Commercial/Industrial, Recover Roofing Contact distributor/contractor 209 725-2030 Visit Website ABC Supply Co. Inc. 201 Butcher Road Waxahachie, TX 75165 Supplies: Commercial/Industrial, Pre-Engineered, Recover Roofing Contact distributor/contractor ...
Back To Top Assay Details Gene Family ID: MIPF0000267,mir-344 Mature miRNA Sequence: GGUAUAACCAAAGCCCGACUGU miRBase Details: SpeciesmiRBase IDmiRBase Accession Number Mousemmu-miR-344h-3pMIMAT0022384 Ratrno-miR-344b-3pMIMAT0017812 Stem-loop Details ...