MBTI全称Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,是一种迫选型、自我报告式的性格评估工具,用以衡量和描述人们在获取信息、作出决策、对待生活等方面的心理活动规律和性格类型。它以瑞士心理学家Carl Jung的性格理论为基础,由美国的Katherine C Briggs和Isabel Briggs Myers母女共同研制开发。 MBTI由四个维度上的不同偏好构成 心理...
the changes to his character from the books to the TV show have been vast. According toThe Wheel of Timetelevision series,Cauthon is a vile and traitorous person. Though he is married to Natti and has three children with her, he continues to cheat and openly flirt with other women in fro...