According to the Myers-Briggs, intuitives are inclined toward abstract processing and activities, whereas sensing (S) types are said to be oriented to the concrete. This distinction has been crudely summarized as being “book smart” (i.e., academic) vs. “street smart” (i.e., using comm...
On a daily basis, we all operate in "Intuitive mode" some of the time and in "Sensor mode" other times, but one of these two modes is as natural and comfortable as writing with ourdominant hand and the other takes extra effort like writing with our other hand. Which of the following...
Intuitive or Sensor? Example online of an ISTJ 513: [3] Favourite Smart Home Tech 2021 - YouTubers Edition 閱讀更多 最後編輯:9 months ago 8 Chipmunk With SpellINTJ 5w6 • KnightISTJ - SLI She is SLI/ISTJ. The way she ...
basically a personality type code. All abbreviations are the first letters of the preference, other than Intuition which is represented by an N (since “I” is used for Introvert). For example, one person may be an ISTJ (introvert, sensor, thinker, judger) and another may be an ENFP (ex...
I'm an ENFP and I don't feel like K is one. Firstly I thought he was a Thinker but as I watched more episodes I wasn't so sure anymore. So yeah, I don't know anymore :( Also I'm not even sure about his dominant functions, he may be an Intuitive or a Sensor... mmm......
When you know your mind’s inclination towards a specific cognitive function, you will be in a better position to understand the perceiving and judging functions. When you know your personality type and the underlying functions, it helps you to improve those skills that are weak. It also adds...
(tabii ki wwi sonrasıyla karşılaştırılamaz, ama izledikleri yöntemlere odaklıyız şu an) eline aldığında ekonomiye odaklandı ve olanı başarılı bir şekilde geliştirerek ilerledi(si), sensor ve intuitive ayrımı yaparken tem...
is guessing can be a valid indication of intuitive or sensor usage if we know how much information they have on hand when they make the guess. Of course si guessing can be accurate if they have enough information in that subject but ni will requires less of those before they say what ...
Sensor değil intuitive Erdoğan; yöntemlerini gerçek dünyaya değil de öngörü, konsept, fikirlere dayandıran Erdoğan, gerçekten mi? Bence ENTJ'lerin Ni'leriyle ne kadar iç içe yaşadığını unutuyorsunuz. Read More Last edit: 3 years ago 281 10 ...