Understanding Your Personality Type: A Journey of Self-Discovery By understanding the meaning of each MBTI letter, you can begin to unravel the complexities of your personality. For example, if you identify as an ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging), you might pos...
In the MBTI personality test groups, the pair of understanding and perceiving the world, Sensing/ Intuition, is the tendency to show the opposition in the way people manifest to perceive the things and phenomena around them. Represented by the second letter in the N or S personality group, wo...
MBTI测试是什么? 近日,一个叫做MBTI的性格测试突然火了起来。 MBTI的全称是,Myers–Briggs Type Indicator,迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标,它是由美国作家伊莎贝尔·布里格斯·迈尔斯(Isabel Briggs Myers)和她的母亲凯瑟琳·库克·布里格斯(Katherine Cook Briggs)共同制定的一种人格类型理论模型。 MB...
debunk a person 揭露一个人的虚伪或不实之处 【典型例句】 The journalist was able to debunk the politician's claims of honesty and integrity.这位记者揭穿了那位政治家所谓的诚实正直的谎言。 The test sorts people into one...
(1)The DISC assessment is shorter in length than MBTI (typically 24-30 questions for DISC versus up to 90 questions for most MBTI tests). (2)MBTI sorts individuals into 16 4-letter types. According to Wikipedia: Extraversion (E)/ Introversion (I)Extraverted types learn best by talking and...
which are the two opposite trends. These are the behavioral tendencies that one can face to the outside world at the same time with themselves. This criterion is represented by the first letter in the personality group: E - I, representing the tendency in which each individual uses his or ...
The cognitive functions are then broken down into 16 different personality types based on how the functions are paired with each other. After you take the test, you will be given one of the 16 different personality types which is expressed as a four-letter code. ...
which are the two opposite trends. These are the behavioral tendencies that one can face to the outside world at the same time with themselves. This criterion is represented by the first letter in the personality group: E - I, representing the tendency in which each individual uses his or ...
As can be seen, the consistency of all four preferences being the same on retest are closer to 50 percent, meaning just over half of all cases have the same whole or four-letter type results on retest. This is eight (8) times what is expected by chance. What we observe in actual ...
“I" or “ E ” is the first letter. People are either "I", meaning introverted(内向的),or“E” ,for extroverted(外向的). If you like to have fun with things around you, you are the ESFP person. If you like to enjoy what life gives you, you are the ISFP person.But sometimes ...