无论你是“S”型还是“N”型,通过与他人的相互理解和尊重,我们可以共同创造一个更加多元化和融洽的工作环境。 参考链接:返回搜狐,查看更多 MBTI Foundation(2021年9月23日)。What's the Difference Between Sensing and Intuition? 16Personalities(2023年2月28日)。MBTI® Sensing vs. Intuition: Differences and...
特别适合解释E的行为: “自己这个东西是看不见的,撞上一些别的什么,反弹回来,才会了解自己。”而...
Abstract:First, analyzed the difference between MBTI and Quality assessment; pointed out the advantage of MBTI. Second, reviewed the relational study of MBTI at home and abroad, including the data of reliability, validity, and norm; revision at home and relational analysis with other scales; MBTI...
The immediate experience or words are instantly linked with the prior experiences, and we register a similarity or a difference—for example, noticing that some food doesn’t taste the same or is saltier than it usually is. Introverted Sensing is also operating when we see someone who reminds ...
Theory Basis of MBTI and Its Application for Practice from Research Zeng Weixi, Zhang Jinfu (School of Psychology, South West University, Chongqing 400715, China) Abstract:First, analyzed the difference between MBTI and Quality assessment; pointed out the advantage of MBTI. Second, reviewed the ...
For example, everyone has some degree of self-acceptance, but some people have a lot of self-acceptance, others have little self-acceptance, and still others fall anywhere in between "a lot" and "a little."Each approach has advantages and disadvantages, and both can be useful in different ...
For example, everyone has some degree of self-acceptance, but some people have a lot of self-acceptance, others have little self-acceptance, and still others fall anywhere in between "a lot" and "a little."Each approach has advantages and disadvantages, and both can be useful in different ...
For example, everyone has some degree of self-acceptance, but some people have a lot of self-acceptance, others have little self-acceptance, and still others fall anywhere in between "a lot" and "a little."Each approach has advantages and disadvantages, and both can be useful in different ...
1.1气质类型 1.2自我导向性、合作性和自我超越性 1.3“探索兴奋性”与伤害规避 二、心理功能对人的...
患者,女,56岁,工人,腰腿痛20年,加重3个月。患者20年前有腰部痛,偶伴有右側下肢牵拉痛。随着体重的增加,腰痛逐年加重。近3个月来,因腰痛不能久行,咳嗽和体位改变时有明显加重,伴右小腿麻木感。查体:体胖(85kg),腰部前屈20°,側屈各30°,后伸30°, 腰4~5棘旁和棘间局部压痛(++)...