This modest self-scoring inventory is Not a substitute for taking an in-person MBTI ® from an experienced MBTI administrator. It is a tool I developed to introduce my clients to personality type or psychological type and to help validate the results I received from administering the MBTI ®...
Jung uses a number of metaphors for describing such archetypal possibilities. Each example brings with itself different imagistic implications, and each metaphor can be commented upon best by reference to yet another image or metaphor. 荣格使用了许多隐喻来描述这种原型的可能性。每个例子本身都带来不同的...
This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more Got it! About the MBTI Verify Your MBTI Type Personality Patterns MBTI Articles & Resources The Hidden Letters in the Myers-Briggs MBTI ® Type What the four letter Personality Type doesn't tell ...
MBTI的全称是,Myers–Briggs Type Indicator,迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标,它是由美国作家伊莎贝尔·布里格斯·迈尔斯(Isabel Briggs Myers)和她的母亲凯瑟琳·库克·布里格斯(Katherine Cook Briggs)共同制定的一种人格类型理论模型。 MBTI它是一种迫选型、自我报告式的人格测评工具...
inCarl Jung's book “Psychological Types” and began “typing” everyone she knew, saidEmre, a professor at Oxford University. In 1943, amid the laborboomof World War II, her daughter took that system and designed a questionnaire to determine what job a worker's personality is best suited ...
The ENFP Personality Type also makes a great bartender—the informal therapist. The most creative among the ENFP Type find themselves becoming artists, actors, dancers, musicians, singers, composers, or directors.In order to best thrive in their present occupations (or ...
音乐的世界无限广阔,而你的性格类型是探索这个世界的独特钥匙。让我们一起享受音乐带来的乐趣,用合成器创造出属于你自己的音乐宇宙! 来源引用: Dexibell S7 Pro M 测评...
Learn about INTJ Personality Types and how they handle change. Sometimes it is best for INTJ Personality Types to detach themselves from their peers and coworkers to allow themselves for optimal results during a time of change. They commonly are skilled at removing work tasks from emotions, ...
I like the INFP personality type because they are idealistic and true to their values and the people who matter to them. Want to be consistent with their values, can become the implementation of their own ideas. Strive to understand others and help them reach their potential. ...
内容主要来自于三本书,分别是伊莎贝尔•迈尔斯(Isabel Briggs Myers)的Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type(《天生不同》)、David Keirsey(大卫·凯尔西)的Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence(《请理解我:凯尔希人格类型分析》)以及Otto Kroeger(奥托·克劳格)的Type talk at ...